Claire, Andrew,

Hey. Assalamualaikum. Hello. Konichiwa. Whatever. whatever. Lol. xD 
Hey guys. so its been 5 month since I leave rpw. And yes. I do. I do miss my girlfriends. Claire. Especially. Andrew also. Claire, I miss u. Yup. I miss u. I wanna comeback but I can't. Claire, I miss u. It makes me cry. now. Claire, I love u. nae. Its breaking u know. I stalk u. like hundrend times. yet, I'm still scared. Childish right. I hate myself. like nonstop. cause I can't be the best for u. either for Nen. or for anybody else. I'm scared. because I can't always be there for u. I'm scared to lose u. Crying like this can't make me return back. Even though the way to comeback are so easy but I just.. can't. Because if I comeback and be active in rp, My father will realized it and take my lappy. It might be our last memories. And I dun want it. So I take a serious decision. I will deact. Like I do now. And yes. Insya-Allah, I will comeback after I finish my SPM. But dear, there so many sign about kiamat. And this might be the last message I give u. either if u visit here or not. Or maybe you forget about me. And yeah. I dun care. No. Dun miss me. I just want u to know, Deep in you heart, Theres a girl who keep loving u. nonstop. she loves u. by all her heart. My grammar are so failll. Sorry, nae. I love u claire. Yes. I love u. Like much. much. I love u nae. <6969696969 Come to malaysia this year. okay. <33 Andrew, haih. dude. jaga ryan onnie dgn claire baik2. Ok. Jgn merajuk, bangang. aku syg kau jugak. Walaupun aku x dpt bagi confession yg panjang gile. Haha. k. Ingat masa kta mule2 jumpe ? Dimana ada dua org manusia yg main siapa paling bnyk tulis menang. walaupun perkataan kite tu takdek maksud. ahakahakhak. loool. nk tau, hang lh org pertama yg aku anggap as bestie. itupun aku x confess masa nk leave jiyeon acc aku tu. klau x, menangis hang 3 hari 3 mlm. hahahahhaha. nk tau camana aku jumpa kau ? disebabkan aku sngt kemaruk dgn zombie masa tu, so aku cube seacrh. haha. jadi jumpe lah seorng zombie yg sngt annoying ini. walaupun form 5, tp haha. perangai. muntah eden. Lool. But one thing that I love about u dude, u dun cold and so hyper at the same time.You are special. Just the way u are. You should thankful cause' theres so many nooonas beside u. haha. I love u. okay. Goodluck for SPM, pandai. <33333 Do the best nae. For your parents, claire, danny, ryan, me and all your noonas and dudes. ok. <333333 And, claire, andrew, cepat sikit kahwin. ;D


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