A new chapter ?

Hey, Hello. Assalmualaikum. So, here we are. In this world again. Haha. SO, 1/1/2016. A new story begins. A new life. A new, everything. Just new. Haha. Because today is the first day I becoming unoficially 16 myself, I would love to say, 2015 has gave a lot of confusion rather than 2014. 2014 may be left with tragic incident, MH370 and everything but in 2015, things got even more worse. Not just incident, many teribble things happened. and I don't want to talk about it because some people might find offended about it and I might get arrested. See the coward-ness ? 2015. the year I took my PT3. the year where I should find the answer about what my heart has been wondering all this time. the year where I supposed to do my best in everything. the year where I should...ok let just move on. Because of this year, 2016, some of my friends will be leaving me and that's bad. bad than everything. Form 4 will 'menentukan' us which course we will take in and to pursue our dream. To be honest, lets be honest here. I love English. I really love English. Speaking, writing and all. But, in, my school, there's no special english course. We only have, pure science, accounting, 'sains sukan', 'perdagangan', art, 'tasawwur islam' and else. And I got place on pure science which mean I need to take biology, chemistry, physics and addmath. and sucks. You know, I love science too. I love discovering. but the problem is Math. I am a slow-learner. when everybody else got it, I'm the one who left behind with confusion. and that's bad. I asked people for some opinion and they said, I should not take another course if I already love science. that I can achieve it if I improve my math. Sure, I will take the challenge. Insya-Allah because you know what, for the next chapter in my life, I'm gonna do my best, Wish me luck, Pray for me, Insya-Allah.we can do it. Say good bye to PT3 and welcome SPM.                                              

                                                                                                                   ~ Psychopath


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