Dilemma Pelajar Tingkatan 4 selepas PT3 dan Pengalaman dalam kelas sains tulen.

Assalamualaikum, wahai manusia-manusia yang sibuk melayani dunia maya blogger ini. Haha. Walaupun blogger ni dulu sebenarnya 'hot' jugak sebab kalangan-kalangan belia asyik guna untuk medium melepaskan diri dari dunia nyata yang bahaya tu. Haha. So mari kita rojakkan bahasa kita harini. Haha. Aku tak patut cakap macam tu, kan ? haha.

So, Lets get going. The title is 'Dilemma Pelajar Tingkatan 4 selepas PT3' Yes. Dilemma. Why ? Because after we had finished our PT3, going through all those hardcore questions that the government had give us, we need to think about what course we will take after PT3. This is my story on how I get into 'Pure Science' course.

At first, I thought I wanted to take the 'sport science' course because all my friends said that it was the easiest course among all the courses. So I agreed with them. The day of the result came out and Alhamdulillah my result was pretty good. I got 5 A's and suprisely, my name was in a list of the first class, which mean the 'Pure science' course. when I first got the result I was happy but when I knew about which class I was going, I was scared. I had always loved science but I never have any confidence in it. and it had addmath too. It was scary, I thought at first but still, it was our teachers' decisions. We couldn't help but to accept which class we were going. The first day was not really bad. All my classmates were all kinda strangers to me. I barely even knew them all. In that day, in my head, was like "All of these people are so smart and I feel like a piece of potato that doesn't deserve to be here" I couldn't help but to feel nothing and small among them.

Months drove away and here I am. I felt happy staying in this class even though I still can't blend in with some of my classmates but it's okay. I faced my biggest fear, met some cool people, did some mistakes, did crazy things but I'm still who I am.

To my younger sisters and brothers that is going to Form 4 next year, I say to you, do not be scared if you will going to the pure science course. Yes, they are additional mathematics, chemistry, physics and biology but you will make it, Insya-Allah. It might be hard at first but If you do your best, you can get good grades. Listen to your teachers, work hard, be creative at managing your time,don't be too stress out thinking how you are going to survive in the pure science course, relax and do your best, and lastly, have faith in Allah because He choose you in the class and He knows you can succeed and you will be good. I know because I had experienced all the scary feelings that come when I knew I was going to join this class, Goodluck and I wish you the best. <3



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