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Hello and assalamualaikum. Blossoming here! It's been such a long time since I last update on my blog here. 4 years later? I guess? Wow that's a very long time. Since blog is no longer popular like it used to be, people seems to forget about it. As for me, maybe yeah but blogger has a special spot for me as I used to spent my time here when I grew up. So before I start properly about what I want to write today, Let me just say it, WELCOME BACK dear self! YEAYY!

 Experience in UNIMAS Science Foundation Programme

My first post after 4 years of leaving blogger today will be about my experience in UNIMAS science foundation programme. Why do I feel like writing about it? A few reasons why. Firstly, this post is dedicated for my juniors out there who are interested in pursuing their studies in UNIMAS, a university located in Kota Samarahan, Sarawak and for students in Malaysia who had receive their UPU result and have to go to UNIMAS to further their studies. Especially for young students out there that had never set foot in Sarawak and are scared to be so far away from their parents. This post is for you!

Sarawak is a state, full of diversity is a great place to go to study. The people are quite friendly and the atmosphere there are nice! The culture is also an aspect worth to study and blend ourselves in. I have been here for almost 2 years and still in the process of learning the culture. So far, it has been good! Most of my time here were spent with studying but sometimes I went out with friends to explore the beauty of Bumi Kenyalang. It was a fun experience! Now, to the real deal, I will tell you about my experience in the UNIMAS science foundation programme as an alumni.

1. How it all began

Just like everyone else, after finishing SPM I applied for UPU. On June/July 2018 (I didn't really remember the exact date), the result was announced and I received my fate which at that time, blinking at my mum's laptop screen. With the congratulary words and the programme that was presented, my tears fell. I cried, in front of my mum's laptop. At that time, I felt as if my world would collapse. I cried, not because it was far from my home. I cried because of the subject. Growing up, I would always find science to be a subject that is hard to score (still do now). I cried because I'm scared that I wouldn't be able to be success in what I am going to study in and will dissapoint my parents. I cried and cried until that evening, my mum told me to make a decision. It's either Kota Samarahan, Sarawak or Banting, Selangor (I applied for matriks too). 

With a heavy heart and confused mind, I decided to study in Sarawak.  

2. Arrived in Sarawak

A few months after that, I have finally arrived in Sarawak. The sheer heat of the plane's engine (or possibly the weather) made my head spinned. During this period, I went to Sarawak with all my family members. Mum thought it would be fun to bring my siblings to Sarawak to look at the surroundings and observe what kind of place it would look like. It was all fun for my siblings, but for me every seconds of breathing there felt like walking on tight rope. I felt very nervous and scared of what was going to happen. Even so, I survived. 

3. What you need to know

The first thing that you must know is that the foundation programme students are separated from degree's students. You will be put in the East campus (Kampus timur) and the degree sudents will be put in the West Campus (Kampus barat). Basically, you will have your own sweet times with people in your age so no worries of getting bullied. You probably won't be getting bullied (I hope so). 

The second thing you should know is that, there are supermarkets near the campus so you won't have to bring all basic stuffs from Semenanjung. The nearest supermarket is most probably Summermall. To be honest, it is not the best one you can get (if compared to Vivacity megamall), but it has most of the things you need like dorm equipments like baldi, penyapu, karpet and so on. Even watsons, guardians and mr. diy are there so yeah no worries kids. Furthermore, there is a mall called Aiman mall close to your campus and it's pretty much the same as Summermall. My advice is that, spend some time exploring the place around your campus, it will be much easier for you later when you need something for your assignments/assessments.

If you ask me about Vivacity megamall, it is also a mall but it is located at tabuan, which is right beside samarahan. However, to go there are a bit costly since you are most probably have to use e-hailing services like grab. So I suggest if you want to go there, go with you friends (ramai-ramai is suggested) so that you can divide the fee together and pay less money. If I could tell about the malls and supermarket in that area of Samarahan/Tabuan, it will take me some times so goodluck to you to find out what are the things there! This is the time for you to explore!

a. Dormitory

The third thing that you need to know is about the dorm! The place that you are going to stay. The dorm won't be like a house but instead something like a dorm when you are in highschool. It will be a long hallway with rooms and bathroom at the end of the hallway. It was pretty okay, not so big and not so small. The cabinets are wooden so yup don't expect anything luxury (but hey I heard that they are renovating the dorms so you might get brand new dorms soon). One thing though, they don't have "bilik iron" like in highschool dorms so you will have to buy your own ironing board and iron. Supposedly in one room, it will only be two people so yup, goodluck knowing your roommate soon!

Another thing to add is that they do have a bilik study so if you wanna get away from your roommate for a while because she had some boyfriend or family problems, it is a good place to hang for a while. Oh by the way, the dorms I'm talking about here is the girls dorm. I don't know much about the boys dorm but I'm pretty sure they might be similar in some way. I think that's all to share about dorms. 

In addition, the will give you only mattress. So you have to buy pillows somewhere (and the covers too!). And also, if you are someone who can't stand heat and easy to sweat like I do, I HIGHLY suggest for you to buy a fan. Like a desk fan, it will enough to battle the heat in the dorm. Next, about the washing machine! Ha! I tell you, there's no washing machine in the dorm (yes sampai sekarang sis tak puas hati because I had to handwash everything). The closest dobi service is probably in Summermall or in  student pavilion at the West Campus. But if I were to be you, I would go to Summermall as it is much closer to your dorm. Oh and and there are some dobi services at Desa Ilmu too.

b. Facilities

Still reading? Good! Next element that I'm gonna talk about is the facilities in the place that you are going to study soon. Firstly, about the place you are going to study. I wish I have the pictures to show you but sadly I was not so photogenic in my younger days. So, regarding the place you are going to study aka the campus, it is big. Big enough for almost 1000+ students to study. Impressive, I know. Most of the equipments there like the laboratory, library (we also called it CAIS), Tutorial rooms, etc are also brand new, so do not worry kids all of you gonna have good time. 

Let's talk about the library as I am a nerd myself. The library is fine. It is big and adequate for you guys to use the materials in there (ada aircond sekali so yes it's also a nice place to sleep). Even so, to compare with the East Campus Cais, ha tak boleh lawan. The east campus cais is much bigger than you think. May I say, like a mall? YES IT IS THAT BIG and I love every second being in it hehe. Good old times. One more thing, the internet in Cais is REALLY FAST. EHH tapi study study jangan tengok movie banyak sangat xD

c. Where to eat?

Now, for the million-dollar question, where to eat? Hehe don't worry kids. There are places in the campus to eat. The place is close to your learning campus but I forget what it is called sadly. It's a space, like a canteen with a few stalls. So you will have plenty of choices to choose from on what to eat. Now now don't worry nasi lemak is still going to be there. Mee Kolok and Laksa Sarawak are also available so if you wanna try it, there are good choices (but I strongly advise you to try Mom's Laksa Laksa Sarawak it's so good!)

Fast food restaurants like KFC and McDonalds are also available around the campus. So after a long day of finishing your assignment, you can de-stress by going there. There is also services like Grabfood in Sarawak but as far as I know, it's only available in Kuching. I'm sorry kids. But but hey don't sigh. Foods are everywhere so no worries. 😆


If  you have come into this stage of finale, then I must say, Thank you! Ahhhh I'm so happy that I can share to all of you kids about the place that I really love. Foundation to me has given a lot of sweet memories. The beauty of Sarawak, the people that I meet, the supporting lecturers, and the list go on. Some of you might ask "Why isn't there more?" Well in my opinion, all those not so important elements can be learned once you landed in Sarawak later. 

Now, for the final moment, I pray that your journey will be at ease. Have fun studying and meeting new people. Some of you may have worries about going to a new place, and hey that's normal. All the jitters in your stomach will go away soon once you have experienced it firsthand. My advice is, instead of worrying, see this as a chance for you to explore about new things. Explore about other people's culture and way of living and you know, you might as well explore yourself. Use all the time you got in university to shape your personality and most imporantly, You.


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